Daily conditions and operations info: Snow Report

Overnight Parking

Overnight Parking

We have a limited number of overnight parking spots available Opening Day - April 20 at the Heather Meadows and White Salmon parking lots, and reservations are required. Mt. Baker is a remote area and these overnight parking sites are "primitive" with no hookups, so all overnight parking rigs must be self-contained. That being said, it's hard to beat waking up to fresh snow and mountain peaks around you, with a short walk to the chairlifts to start your day! Choose which option below fits your situation, and find details and the link to reservations on those pages.
Mt. Baker has 2 Base Areas (White Salmon & Heather Meadows) with overnight parking in both Base Areas. HOWEVER … Base Area operations vary by day of the week and with conditions. Before choosing which Base Area to make your reservation at, read through the info on our Operations Schedule page and Daily Snow Report to determine if your chosen Base Area is scheduled to be open with services on your chosen day(s).


If you will be camping overnight in your vehicle (RV, Camper, Trailer or Van) in the parking lot, choose Occupied Overnight Parking.


If you plan to leave your vehicle (Car, van, truck) unoccupied overnight while camping in the backcountry, choose Unoccupied Overnight Parking.


For information on off-season overnight parking (May - October) and camping, visit the USFS website or contact the Glacier Ranger Station: